Brylcreem and other hair tonics had a period of popularity
Juvenile delinquency was said to be at unprecedented epidemic proportions in
the United States, though some see this era as relatively low in crime compared to today.
Continuing poverty in some regions during recessions later on in this
The 1950s is often mistakenly painted as the pinnacle of American prosperity.
To some, it also may be considered the peak of our modern American
civilization The '50s were supposed to be a time of the "Affluent Society".
The 1950s saw fairly high rates of unionization, government social spending, taxes, and the like in the
United States and European countries,. Most Western governments were liberal or moderate, though domestic politics were also affected
by reactions to communism and the Cold War.
Optimistic visions of a semi-utopian technological future, including such devices as the flying car, were popular.
The Day the Earth Stood Still
hits movie theaters launching a cycle of Hollywood films in which Cold War fears are manifested through scenarios of alien invasion or mutation.
Considerable racial tension arose with military and school desegregation
in mostly the southern part of the United States,
though major controversy and uproar did not truly erupt until the 1960s.
Recrudescence of evangelical Christianity including Youth for Christ (1943); the National Association
of Evangelicals, the American Council of Christian Churches, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (1950), Conservative Baptist Association of America (1947); and the Campus Crusade for Christ
(1951). Christianity Today was first published in 1956. 1956 also marked the beginning of Bethany Fellowship, a small press that would grow to be
a leading evangelical press.
Carl Stuart Hamblen, a religious radio
broadcaster, hosted the popular show "The Cowboy Church of the Air".