In the fifties if you had a television, you would be the neatest
kid on the block. Even though at the beginning they only had a few shows, anything would be fun ,in 1956 some scientists did
a study on how much kids ages 10-16 watched television. The results showed that a average kid watched six hours of television
a day which was equal to how long they went to school everyday. Television was groovy.
One of the popular shows for teenagers was American Bandstand.
Dick Clark, the star of the show, got more than fifty thousand fan letters a week. They thought watching this show was more
important than doing their homework. Teenagers loved American Bandstand.
In 1952 movies became more than just movies. In the month of
November the first 3-D movie, Bwana Devil, was able to be seen. At first people were amused by this optical illusion, but
the fad did not last very long at all.
In 1956 rock and roll became known to parents
as bad, unhealthy, basically not right. Boyfriends threatened to break up with their girl if she went to his performances.
Girls who went to the performances came home and broke with their guys before they had a chance to do anything. Ed Sullivan,
a host of a weekly television show said Elvis's music was unfit for a family audience. Younger people did not agree. They
thought the music was new and stylish and a great way to be different.