Inventions of the Fifties

Artists Quiz
Books and Literature
Buddy Hollys Death Certificate
Celebrities Quiz
Civil Rights
Classic TV Shows
Elvis Aaron Presley
Fifties Leisure
History 1950-1955
History 1956 -1959
Important Historic and Cultural Events
Inventions of the Fifties
Men and Boys
Men in the 1950s
Neato Toys
Odds and Ends
Oldies Quiz
Quiz Answers
Teen Idols
The Cold War and the Korean War
The Day the Music Died
The Day the Music Died-Accident Report
The Day the Music Die-Aircraft, Pilot,Weather
The Day the Music Died-Coroner's Investigation
Television Quiz
Women in the 1950s
Women of the 1950s Socialize
Womens groups in the 1950s
World Leaders


Zenith introduces "lazy bones" tuning - change all television stations from the comfort of your easy chair. Hand held device plugs into TV

Antihistamines enter popular use for treatment of allergies and head-colds.

Leo Fender's guitar company introduced their Broadcaster and Esquire models, the first mass-produced solid body electric guitars.

Telephone Answering Machine created by Bell Laboratories and Western Electric.


UNIVAC 1 First commercial computer.

A.E.C. (Atomic Energy Commission) produces electricity from atomic energy.

Super glue invented.

American automobile manufacturer Chrysler Corporation introduces power steering., which they called Hydraguide.

Charles Ginsburg invented the first videotape recorder (VTR).

J. Andre-Thomas invents the first heart-lung machine, allowing advanced life-support during open-heart surgery.

Still camera gets built-in flash units.


Mr. Potato Head patented.See the original.

The first patent for bar code (US Patent #2,612,994) issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver

American automobile manufacturer Chrysler Corporation introduces power steering., which they called Hydraguide.

Sony, a brand new Japanese company, introduces the first pocket-sized transistor radio More



Radial tires invented.

The first musical synthesizer invented by RCA

The first 3-D movie is shown: Arch Oboler's Bwana Devil, starring Robert Stack. Learn More

Francis Crick and James Watson discover the ``double helix'' of DNA.

Con-Tact paper debuts

Dr. Jonas Salk announces discovery of the vaccine for poliomyelitis

White Rose Redi-tea is the world's first instant iced tea

Dow Chemical creates Saran Wrap

TV color broadcasting began in 1953



Oral contraceptives invented.

The first nonstick pan produced.

The solar cell invented by Chaplin, Fuller and Pearson.

The first successful kidney transplant is performed in the U.S. by Harvard physicians. The patient will survive for seven more years.

General Electric introduces colored kitchen appliances. Bye, bye white!



Tetracycline invented.

Optic fiber invented

Zenith engineer Eugene Polley invented the "Flashmatic," which represented the industry's first wireless TV remote.

Gregory Pincus develops the first oral contraceptive

The first home microwave ovens are manufactured by Tappan. They cost $1300 which really slows sales!



The first computer hard disk used.

The hovercraft invented by Christopher Cockerell.

As a result of the joint research of Sherman and Smith, the Scotchgard™ Protector was launched in the marketplace

Secretary Bette Nesmith Graham invented "Mistake Out" later renamed, Liquid Paper

Los Alamos Laboratory discovers the neutrino, an atomic particle with no electric charge.

Anti-protons detected in the atmosphere.

The first commercial videotape recorder is introduced. The device is intended for industrial applications, and it quickly revolutionizes the way television programming is produced.



Fortran (computer language) invented.

Velcro is patented by George de Mestral of Switzerland.

Eveready produces "AA" size alkaline batteries



The modem invented.

Gordon Gould invents the laser.

The Hula Hoop invented by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin.

The integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.

Sterophonic recordings, which use two separately recorded channels of sound to recreate a sense of space, come into commercial use.



The internal pacemaker invented by Wilson Greatbatch. In 1959,

Joseph-Armand Bombardier of Valcourt, Quebec, Canada patented the Ski-Doo, originally christened the Ski-Dog, but renamed because of a typographical error that Bombardier decided not to change. You know it as a snowmobile.

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